Thursday, May 3, 2012

An Afternoon in the Life of a Woman

Man Card: (noun) - The invisible, yet real card that men carry which proves we are truly men.  A guy’s man card can be taken by another man when he says or does something decidedly un-manly.  Reasons for getting your man card revoked include ordering a cosmo (or any other ‘girly’ drink) at a bar, watching “The Vow” without direct coercion from your girlfriend, asking for directions, and crying for any other reason than when Goose dies in ‘Top Gun.’ 

The list of reasons for getting your man card taken are not limited to the above list, and very rarely does a guy hand in his man card on his own.  However, in a moment of weakness on Monday afternoon, I voluntarily (and temporarily) surrendered my man card and in the process, got a glimpse into the life of woman.  This is a (mostly) true account of the events of that frightful day.

The Female Greeting Dance

A few minutes after arriving on Monday, I was speaking with a colleague when another teacher came in.

“Wow, Stephanie, your hair looks great!”
“Thanks, I went to a new hair salon on Saturday.  I’m glad you like it!”
“Where did you go? It looks fantastic.”

I work in an environment dominated by the female species.  In the wild, I call encounters such as these the “Female Greeting Dance.”  It usually consists of women seeing each other and gushing about:

a)         A new hair style
b)         The outfit they are wearing
c)         Shoes
d)         Jewelry
e)         Any combination of the above and how it matches so well

“Well,” I thought to myself, “When in Rome…”

I turned to my friend Mark, the P.E. teacher, who had just come in and was filling up his coffee cup.

“Mark, oh my gosh!  Did you just get new shorts?  They look fantastic!”

Mark caught on immediately.

“Why yes, Johnny, I did.  I’m glad you noticed!”
“Did you do something different with your beard too?  It looks so nice.  You must have gotten a new kind of razor,” I continued.
Mark tilted his head slightly to the side, scratched his beard lovingly and said,  
 “Yes, it’s springtime now so I thought a lighter beard would be more seasonal. I’m SOOO glad you noticed!”
The two female teachers waited patiently for our mockery to end.

“You’re boys.  You have no idea what it’s like to be a girl.  You just wouldn’t understand…”

Mark and I laughed and left the office, ready to start our days.  Little did I know that in a few short hours I would get a glimpse into the life of a woman, as I would voluntarily agree to turn in my man card for a few hours after school was over.

Where No Man Has Gone Before

April 30th carries much historical significance for our country. 199 years ago, the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from France, effectively doubling the size of our nation.  Also on April 30, Hawaii officially became a U.S. territory – this was in 1900.  April 30 also happens to be the date which marks the time man went where no man had gone before.  No, we aren’t talking about Neil Armstrong going to the moon.  After school on the afternoon of April 30, 2012 – perhaps for the first time ever – a man (me) helped to plan a bridal shower.  The following is the transcript of the discussion by the Bridal Shower Task Force:

Mission Commander:  “We have to decide when to commence this operation.  The optimal choices seem to be on either 16 May 2012 or 23 May 2012.  I’m going to make a command decision to make it on 23 May.”

Task Force Member 1:  “Roger that.  I’ll bring drinks. Who’s gonna take care of food?”


Task Force Member 2:  “I’ll get Chris to pick up all the expensive crap.  Sucks for him that he’s not here.”


Task Force Member 3:  “I’ll be in charge of decorations.  The theme will be ‘The Baltimore Ravens’ because she likes purple.”

Mission Commander:  “We don’t need decorations because…. This is a fictional account of what would happen if men planned a bridal shower.”

That’s right; this is not what actually happened; it’s what MIGHT happen if men were in charge of bridal showers.  Instead, the meeting was filled with polite discussion on convenient dates, flowers, tablecloths, color scheme, food, and gifts – all of which took into account the tastes and thoughts of the bride-to-be.  Unfortunately, my main contribution – that it should be a Baltimore Ravens theme – got shot down.  I have no idea why – the bride’s favorite color IS purple, she’s from Maryland, and really, is there a girlier team than the Ravens?  Just kidding, Ray Lewis.  Please don’t kill me. 

In the process of getting a nacho bar approved as part of the food spread, I also noted some very distinguishing differences between men and women.  For us men,

1)                  It’s funny – not inconsiderate – to assign unwanted jobs to people that aren’t present. 
2)                  A party does not need decorations.
3)                  The only party that needs a theme is the Super Bowl party. 
4)                  A party only needs food and drinks.  Actually, just drinks.  If we want food, we invite girls.
5)                  The only people that you buy presents for are girlfriends and relatives.
6)                  The only time you buy presents are Christmas and birthdays – and only if they live within a 10 minute drive.  None of this giving baby shower gifts, bridal shower gifts, bachelorette gifts, having a bad day gifts, or it’s my 3rd month at my job gifts. 

I also saw how a group of women got together to carefully plan a party meant to celebrate an important event in one of their friends’ lives.  Every detail was discussed and every angle considered, and every decision made with sincere thought and consideration about what the bride – our dear friend – would like.  Above all, everyone was more than happy to help out to make sure no one was overburdened with cost or the work involved.  I saw firsthand how women are able to celebrate their friends in better ways than men (or maybe just I) can. 

Hugs, compliments, gift giving, and taking time to plan out a party to celebrate loved ones – these are things that men just don’t do.  And while we do demonstrate our friendship in really awesome and deeply moving ways, it took an afternoon in the life of a woman to also see the endearing nature of how the fairer sex considers and celebrates their friends. 


  1. Yeah, our friendships rock. :)

    LOL @ "It’s funny – not inconsiderate – to assign unwanted jobs to people that aren’t present."

    It's both inconsiderate AND funny. Sometimes we'll propose it, laugh, and then choose to be considerate. We aren't SO different from you guys!

  2. I LOVE this article!

    First off, coming from a male dominated career to one where I am surrounded by women has been an adjustment. The greeting ritual you write about is so accurate it is scary. My experience used to be discussing the type of tactical knife you were carrying, the comfort of your work boots, and what ammo you had recently tried out, not to mention the size of your weapon. (Men always had to bring that one up.) The first time that my shoes were gushed over totally threw me, especially since they were so uncomfortable as to be criminal! And when asked about a make up color, I could only respond that it was something on sale. But more of the female rituals in a bit.

    The most important thing I get from this is that while men and women will always be different, the work environment you choose to be in is a greater reflection of who really are. At a school it is a nuturing place and filled with people who, for the most part, are positive and build each other up. There is good natured ribbing and a lot of support. In my former position of police officer, this scenario would end up very differently, probably with hurt feelings. If I had to do it all over again, I would head straight for education, it is by far a healthier, rewarding vocation.

    As far as the female gushing... please be gentle! Unfortunatly I have found that I am powerless to resist joining in. It may be that it is from bygone days, where our only defense from the dinosaurs was to gather together and shriek loudly. Sheer boredom forced us to come up with topics!
