Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ridiculous Guy Fun

Confused? Let me explain a bit:

Best thing about working in a profession dominated by women:

I'm always surrounded by women.

Worst thing about working in a profession dominated by women:

I'm always surrounded by women.

When word leaked out among my guy friends 2 years ago that I was leaving corporate America to join the ranks of the underpaid and overworked, overwhelmingly their reaction was,
"Dude, that's awesome. Teachers are so hot, and you'll be the only guy! Genius move."
Well, not quite the reason I got into teaching, but I do like the people I work with. And, at the very least, they smell better the the neanderthals I normally surround myself with!

As much as I love the people I work with, I do miss my guy time. I miss doing stupid guy things. Therefore, I took this weekend to have some guy time and go up to Pennsylvania with my buddy Josh*, thinking we were just going to play some golf, eat junk food, and watch my beloved Steelers on their quest for ring number 7. Well, that was the idea until this late night conversation with Josh's dad which forever changed the awesomeness** of the weekend:
Mr. Burns*: I built a 13 foot slingshot the other day
Johnny and Josh: Excuse me?
Mr. Burns: Yeah, it's for a church event on Sunday. We're launching pumpkins into a baseball field. Want to help me test it out?

Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back? We were more than happy oblige. After all, we're guys. Add in running amok in an Amish pumpkin patch tossing each other reject pumpkins for ammo, and this would be the epitome of stupid guy fun. This video was taken so you can fully appreciate the velocity of the pumpkins were were launching:

Hope you all had a great Columbus Day weekend!

*Editor's Note: Names in story NOT changed in order to promote their awesomeness.
** yes, this is a real word. Just ask Barney Stinson.


  1. Why doesn't my church have pumpkin launching events?

  2. I think it's high time you bring that up at the next general assembly ;-)

    Thanks for reading my blog!
