Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day...

Unfortunately, it’s unseasonably warm for October.

Yes, you read that right. It’s 75 degrees outside and the abundant colors of an autumn afternoon are highlighted by a sun which shares the sky with mere wisps of white cotton. It's a gorgeous day, so why am I saying that this is unfortunate? The answer lies in a conversation held at least once per year at every elementary school across the United States - usually after 5th graders have P.E. or recess on a hot day.
5th Grade Teacher #1: “Whoa. Did you get a whiff of the 5th graders today?
5th Grade Teacher #2: “Yup. Looks like it’s time for the hygiene talk.”
Unseasonably warm in October means that the powers-that-be that control temperatures in our school didn't turn on the air conditioning. Can you guess what a classroom of kids that have been marinating in their own sweat for 6 hours at 2 PM is like?

In elementary school, we are to build a good foundation for a child’s future. We cover math, reading, science, social studies, physical education, music, art, and… the importance of deodorant.

Sometimes, it’s the not-so-obvious lessons that are life’s most valuable ones. I'd guess (hope?) that most of us learned this particular lesson before we went in for our first successful job interview.

Maybe even as early as the 5th grade.


  1. From one blogger to another, well done!! Awesome description.

    You may want to try inserting the word 'verdant' somewhere :)

  2. Haha! My rudimentary prose pales in comparison to the vivid descriptions that exude from your pen (keyboard?) ;-P

    Your blog was quite the inspiration for me on this post - I'll try to use 'verdant' in a later post... maybe in the spring?

  3. You repped your blog on gchat status! I'm a fan of that. You waxed quite poetic with the "wisps of white cotton." I was thinking: clouds? Haha. Good post.

  4. Thanks Krissy K! You have a great blog also - I'm down with the applications of theology to life =)

    Put up an email tool - I'd love to get updates when you create a new post.
